Friday, November 14, 2014

Bun Inspo

Since chopping off my hair fairly short, I haven't been able to pull up my hair and simply tie it in a casual bun. Part of me regrets cutting my locks so short for this very reason. I always have to style it each morning to get that perfect, lob look. As much as I love the lob, I still dream of having long hair to do different things to it. I guess it's true...we always want what we can't have.

Here are a few photos of some my fave bun looks:

Perfect for being on the go. Simply knot it at the back and it's easily work appropriate.

Super cute and stylish. Keeps stray hairs away from the face in a sophisticted way.

Reminds me of my highschool days. Youthful yet an element of rugged chic.

images via Could I Have That?